
Technology, experience and proximity

With 30 years of experience in the textile market, Samidel has latest technology in the industry, very strict quality control procedures and highly trained and experienced human resources. In addition to those factors, the company cultivates constant proximity to its customers, which is its fundamental point of differentiation in the sector and also the key to its success.


Samidel’s mission is to dedicate itself to the production of garments, essentially made of natural fiber fabrics, in a responsible and committed manner, before its customers, employees and other interested parties, based on quality, product development, innovation and sustainability.


Samidel’s vision is geared towards strengthening its position in the international market as a manufacturer of clothing in fabrics, especially organic and technical, through a strong investment in product development, innovation and market segmentation, as well as in updating technical and human skills to the satisfaction of its customers and other interested parties.


Samidel bases its operation on values such as Financial sustainability and autonomy, reflecting of its business success; Change as the engine of development and innovation: Integrity that supports its transactions; Determination to maintain commitments to its customers and other business partners; Balance in the humanization of work; Leadership that leads to social responsibility.